Mercedes Benz 500SL W129 – 1992

Hard and Soft top

52.068 Miles, 2 Owners, books and records, Datasheet and Carfax included.

VIN # WDBFA66E4NF052974 (US) (500SL37)

FIN # WDB129066-1F-052974 (EU)

Engine # 119960-12-029928

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Vehicle SEC
Price 19.750 Ref.: 2520
Kilometers n/a
Color Blue
Transmission Automatic
Drive Type Rear
Engine 8 cylinder V 5.0L


Year 1992
Make Mercedes-Benz
Model 500
Seats 2
Doors 2
Drive Type Rear
Transmission Type Automatic
Fuel Type Gasoline
Engine Displacement (cc) 4973
Engine Displacement (ci) 303
Engine Location Front
Engine Type V
Engine (l) 5.0
Engine Cylinders 8
Engine Max Power (HP) 320
Engine Max Power (kW) 238
Engine Max Power (PS) 324
Engine Max Power RPM 5700
Engine Max Torque (NM) 470
Engine Max Torque (Lb-Ft) 347
Engine Max Torque (kgf-m) 48
Engine Max Torque RPM 3900
Country Germany