Auto – Muzeum Jan & Maciej Peda

Screenshot 2022-05-06 at 07-51-33 Muzeum samochodów zabytkowych rodziny Pedów Gostyń Auto -Muzeum Jan & Maciej Peda
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Auto – Muzeum Jan & Maciej Peda

The beginnings of our museum date back to the end of the 1960s. Then my father, Jan Peda, noticed Studebaker standing in the bushes next to Śmigiel and had an ardent feeling for him. In 1970, love could be called fulfilled or "consumed" - my father purchased his dream car. He immediately got down to business and in the same year he was at the first rally of historic vehicles in Warsaw ... and so it started. When I was born in 1971, I was hereditary burdened with this love for all kinds of "old iron".

At the end of the 1970s, our collection was so extensive that my father had to build a museum hall. The 90's was the time of expanding the spectrum of our interests with steam engines, old agricultural equipment and fragments of airplanes.

We are constantly striving to enrich our collection, as well as to keep the exhibits in good condition. We take part in many events promoting old motorization and sometimes our exhibits appear in films.


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