Le Manoir de l’Automobile

Screenshot 2022-05-17 at 15-53-34 Le Manoir de l’Automobile et des Vieux Métiers de Lohéac
0 Reviews

Le Manoir de l’Automobile

The Manor of the Automobile and Old Trades of Lohéac

Only thirty years ago, Breton manor was still a farm. It is difficult to imagine that instead of it, were once cows, pigs, chickens and horses in dilapidated buildings. So when Michel Hommell, originally from Lorraine, bought the Newfoundland Court’s farm, he knew that his dream would not happen in just one day. He had been collecting cars since the age of 18, and was looking for a place to gather them all, after they had been scattered throughout. That was until he fell under the spell of the small village of Lohéac in Brittany. More than 15 years of construction work and hundreds of site meetings with local craftsmen were needed to build what is today this set of scale.



Practical Information

Opening hours
Open daily and on public holidays from 10am to 1pm and 2pm to 7pm (Closed on Monday).
July-August OPEN EVERY DAY INCLUDING Monday from 10 am to 7 pm.
On display
Entrance price
Adult € 14 (free for children under 10 accompanied by parents) Children 10-16 years 10 € – Groups of 25 people 12 €/ person.
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