Russell’s Truck & Travel Center

Screenshot 2024-02-29 at 10-38-34 Russell’s Travel Center
0 Reviews

Russell’s Truck & Travel Center

Located on Historic Route 66, Russell's Travel Center is a State of the Art Facility. Offering multiple services, we invite you to come and see why we're the #1 stop for all of your convenience needs. A complete grocery store, an authentic Route 66 Diner, a classic car and memorabilia museum, a chapel, and the best showers on the planet. The list of amenities goes on and on. Professional and Recreational drivers alike will find what they need in a One-Stop solution. Your satisfaction is our top priority.



Practical Information

On display
Cars, Motorcycles, Automobilia, Curiosity, Model Cars, Gas pumps, Hot Rods, Petrol stations
Restaurant / Coffee Lounge
Museum Shop
Parking facilities
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