Zündmagnet Wurzen

Screenshot 2024-03-06 at 15-08-32 Zündmagnet Wurzen – Automobile Events – Start (english)
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Zündmagnet Wurzen

Nikolaus Otto has been well known as the inventor of the first four stroke combustion engine in 1876 although a Mr. Christian Reithmann has tested a similar machine already in 1873.

In addition to a lot of other auxiliary equipment a reliable and strong ignition spark is necessary to operate such an engine. It initiates the third stroke and is so finally responsible for moving the crankshaft.

Mr. Arnold Zähringer a mechanic at the Robert Bosch Workshop for Precision Mechanics and Electrical Engineering, founded in 1886 managed the development of the first high voltage magneto ( DRP 99399 ) . A serial production and successful worldwide sales have been introduced from 1898 onwards.It was the ultimate ignition spark device for cars and motor bikes until the thirties. Bosch has started then to introduce the modern battery ignition systems from the middle of the twenties.

We understand our collection similarily as an initial spark for the interests in the development and the history of cars and motor bikes.

Not many of other inventions have influenced the life of all the people that much and have given them a new style of freedom by offering individual travel opportunities.

We want to be something like a magnet for all of our visitors who are keen to get more detailed information about this development process.



Practical Information

On display
Cars, Motorcycles, Automobilia, Gas pumps
Restaurant / Coffee Lounge
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