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Nationale Oldtimerdag Lelystad

June 15

The National Oldtimer Day in Lelystad is the annual event for historic cars, which takes place on the third Sunday in June (Father’s Day).

Every year, more than 400 old-timers are ready for a wonderful family day on the Bataviaboulevard between Bataviahaven and Batavia Stad. This old-timer meeting has grown into the largest of its kind in our country and is open to both participants and the public free of charge. Every year, in addition to the already special participants, there are recurring presentations under the following headings: Belle Epoque, The Roaring Twenties, Fire Fighters and Classic Supercars. For each his own

In addition to the automobiles, which are classified according to the FIVA classification, there is an additional program of viewing objects, performances, the automobilia market and cozy catering. You can combine the day with a visit to the Batavialand (museum and wharf), the Batavia Stad Outlet Center and the National Historic Lifeboat Day.

The perfect day out for the whole family.


June 15
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Lelystad, 8242 PR Netherlands
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