Discover the ultimate guide to classic car events! Get a comprehensive overview of the top classic car auctions, exhibitions, and festivals happening across Europe and around the globe.


Austria , Austria

Die Winterrallye-Steiermark ist eine Oldtimerrallye, wie in früheren Jahren, als noch die Freude am Fahren im Vordergrund stand, und nicht ein paar verlorene Sekundenbruchteile wichtig genommen wurden. Hier finden sich nur diejenigen, die wirklich „Rallye“ [...]


Gamlitz Gamlitz, Austria

SINCE 2001 – SYNONYMOUS WITH SPORTSMANSHIP, UNIQUENESS OF THE COUNTRYSIDE, SOCIABILITY AND CULINARY PLEASURE. Classics and nostalgia associated with sporting ambition, exclusivity and enthusiasm: these are the ingredients of Südsteiermark-Classic with start and goal in [...]

Oldtimer messe Tulln

Messe Tulln Messegelände, Tulln, Austria

Rund 750 Aussteller aus aller Welt geben sich ein Stelldichein rund um das„rostigste Hobby“ der Welt. Das Erfolgskonzept der größten und bedeutendsten Oldtimermesse Österreichs besteht im intensiven Kontakt mit Oldtimerhändlern sowie einschlägigen Vereinen,Clubs und Museen. [...]


Gröbming Gröbming, Austria

The Ennstal-Classic is a living journey through time that reminds us how far we have come in automotive development and at the same time celebrates the unforgettable aesthetics and technology of the past. It is [...]


Austria , Austria

Ennstal-Classic…or how to recharge vitality There are many classic events with the brass of the early years. But what makes the Ennstal Classic stand out from the calendar is the passion! It will fuel the [...]

Vienna Classic Days

Vienna Vienna, 1220, Austria

The Vienna Classic Days the rolling automobile museum in the middle of Vienna! The Vienna Classic Days have been going on for more than 25 years Tradition and now a cult event. Right in the [...]

Legends Grand Prix

Salzburgring Salzburgring 1, Plainfield, Austria

FROM HISTORICAL MOTORSPORT – INTO THE AUTOMOTIVE FUTURE The Salzburgring will be the venue for the first “Legends Grand Prix” in October 2025, where monopostor racing cars, sports prototypes and GT vehicles from the 1920s [...]

Classic Expo

Messezentrum Salzburg Am Messezentrum 1, Salzburg, 5020, Austria

The Marketplace for Classic Car Enthusiasts No mater if two wheels, four wheels, urban or off-road - the Classic Expo in Salzburg is the international meeting point for all famous names and big players within [...]

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