Discover the ultimate guide to classic car events! Get a comprehensive overview of the top classic car auctions, exhibitions, and festivals happening across Europe and around the globe.

(Please double-check the dates and location on the official site below before attending.)

Essen Motorshow

Messe Essen Messeplatz 1, Essen, Germany

THE PS-FESTIVAL FOR ALL CAR LOVERS Here everything revolves around automotive enthusiasm. As Europe's leading event for sporty vehicles, the Essen Motor Show's range of products includes sports cars, tuning & lifestyle, motor sport and [...]

Retro Classics Bavaria®

Messezentrum Nürnberg Messezentrum, Nürnberg, Germany

Dreamlike automobile legends from all corners of the world paired with classic elegance await lovers of beautiful curves and hot engines. At RETRO CLASSICS BAVARIA®, the end of the season for automotive classics, you can [...]

Oldtema Erfurt

Messe Erfurt Gothaer Str. 34, Erfurt, Germany

Two large halls, the glass corridor (connecting corridor to the halls) and an outdoor area for the really courageous: This is the attractive exhibition center that OLDTEMA has at its disposal!

Bremen Classic Motorshow

Messe Bremen Findorffstr. 101, Bremen, Germany

Die Bremen Classic Motorshow ist seit 2003 die erste große Klassiker-Messe zu Beginn des Jahres. Für den Start in die Saison finden über 46.000 Besucher und Besucherinnen hier an drei Tagen auf über 52.000 qm [...]

Retro Classics®Stuttgart

Landesmesse Stuttgart GmbH Messepiazza 1, Stuttgart, Germany

About the fair for driving culture RETRO CLASSICS®, the world's largest and most beautiful meeting place for lovers of automobile legends from days long past as well as classic car gems of tomorrow. Exhibitors from [...]

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